
About us?

ASAMA SAS is a comprehensive services company, with extensive experience in the formulation, execution, evaluation and monitoring of projects for different productive sectors, with the aim that its activities are carried out under the pillars of environmental sustainability, in compliance with its legal commitments.

Our company is made up of an interdisciplinary group of professionals with extensive experience in their areas and solid knowledge of environmental issues, thus guaranteeing that your organization has timely, economically feasible and environmentally sustainable solutions, which will allow it to achieve compliance with its environmental standards. in the shortest time. The excellence of our human resources and teamwork are a guarantee of the reliability of our services and our continuous support.

It is our fundamental purpose, to understand the needs of our clients, to integrate ourselves into their team, to design the best course of action and in the event of eventualities, they can be sure that we will be proactive in the search for solutions that, as a team, will lead us to success.

Why Contract with Us?

We not only offer you consulting services in environmental matters. We have the experience, human talent and installed capacity to meet the needs of any client and live up to their needs.
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